Developing Number Ideas

This section is designed to help children think about the patterns in numbers and how they can help with calculations.

To view one of the sample plans we have uploaded, click on the links below.

To download these sample lessons and videos together for offline viewing, click here


People and Numbers How important some numbers can be to people
Tens and Hundreds Exploring our Base 10 number system
Addition Grid Understanding the number patterns of addition
100 Grid Recognising number patterns in a completed 100 grid
Hundreds and Thousands Reading and writing very large numbers
A Multiplication Grid Helping children see patterns in multiplication
Negative and Positive Numbers Using a number line to understand negative and positive numbers
Patterns in Calculations Developing a range of methods for calculation

Growing Numbers Explaining sequences and predicting numbers in series
Patterns in Numbers Seeing numbers in spatial arrays

Powerful Numbers Seeing how quickly numbers can grow when multiplied
Ratios Recognizing and understanding ratios in different contexts
Where is it? Locating things using 1, 2 and 3 dimensions