Getting Ready for Number

This section is designed to help children think about the properties of numbers and why we need them.

To view one of the plans we have uploaded, click on the links below.


1. World without Number How numbers are used in everyday life

2. Sort it Out Choosing criteria for sorting and classifying
3. Take Your Partners Developing the ability to match two objects
4. Enough for Everyone? One-to-one matching between objects
5. More or Less? Comparing the number of objects by matching
6. What’s the Order? Ordering different amounts of continuous materials
7. How Big? How Small? Size involves comparisons
8. Repeating Patterns Sequences that repeat

9. What are numbers? The ways in which the same number may be written or spoken
10. Looking at numbers Helping to build the concept of what a number is
11. What Counts? How numbers can be used to find out how many of something there is
12. Ways of Counting Counting is done all over the world
13. How many are there? Discovering the numbers of objects around you
14. How many altogether? Understanding addition
15. How many here? Addition and subtraction within a range of contexts